Me, Myself and I

Friday, May 12, 2006

Today was our Sportsfest at AJSS. It was fun, I guess. But as you know, I'm not exactly athletic so I had a hard time and all. We played dodgeball first where instead of having me catch the ball so I can throw it at someone, I dodge it. Yeah. It's dodgeball for dummies. We were fourth out of four teams, but it was okay, I guess. I got hit on the head once, too, but I'm okay. I'm hard-headed. The guy who hit me (Sir Rob!) even apologized and all afterwards. It was no big deal, I mean, it's a game, but he was real nice about it and everything.

After dodgeball we played handball. Actually, they played handball. I sat around and watched. Handball is somewhat like basketball except that you can't move once you are holding the ball, and you play on something like a soccer field, with the two nets on either side. We won third this time.

Overall, I enjoyed although I didn't do quite well. Next week though, we have volleyball and basketball. I still suck at them but oh well.

Anyway, here's a comic:

The comic is by Bill Amend. (Just a disclaimer so I don't get sued or anything.) I just like it but I hope you will too. I love Foxtrot. It, like, embodies me and my life. If you want to read more comics online, go here.

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