Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I think I'm insane. I need chocolate. I need...

Okay. Compilation of things I need:

  1. Food. Anything as long as it's edible.
  2. A good cry. You know, it's been months since I last cried, no matter how much I try.
  3. A crush. OH, for the love of.... what am I? A lesbo? Wake up heart! Get out and search for some cute guys!!! GO!!!! (Is it obvious that I'm desperate?)
  4. The Nanny. As in, yes the show with Fran Drescher. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  5. Meg Cabot.
  6. A muse. As in, inspiration. To get writing. What's happening to me????? (Actually Meg Cabot can be my muse anytime. A serious lack of her in my life is getting me down.)

My life is sad. Don't expect me to make a decent post in a while.

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