For the Benefit of the Non-Fangirls

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I guess this "personal" blog of mine is becoming less and less personal. Thus I'm going to post something about my daily life.

Last Sunday (if you read my sister's multiply blog you'll know about this) we went to MoA to see this exhibit of the Shroud of Turin which is basically the rumored burial cloths of Jesus Christ with his image and his FACE imprinted on it. Is it real? I don't know. I don't really care, though. I mean, so what if that piece of cloth has Jesus's face on it? It doesn't mean anything. It's no big deal.

The exhibit, on the other hand, was ugly. (Sorry for the term) And it wasn't even free, we just managed to get the tickets for free but lots of people paid to see that exhibit. It was neither amazing nor life-changing. Actually it was just plain boring. My 8-year-old cousin was freaked out by the "lights and sounds" presentation which was basically just video presentations which were blurry and low quality and gave us headaches. And there were "dioramas" or sculptures (or paper mache, i couldnt tell) that depicted Jesus's death just like in the movie "Passion of the Christ" but uglier. The "Shroud" was just a replica, anyway.

I'll post more tomorrow

BTW NaNoWriMo Word Count=0. (excuse: went to buddhist temple in the morning; truth: too lazy, watched PotC 2 in the afternoon. likes it better now than before)

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