Another Day

Monday, January 8, 2007

I hope this works... i'm posting through e-mail... hehehe... (praying hard)

Anyway, few nights ago I was feeling all stressed (why? i don't know.) and i took a nap but when I woke up my head HURT! so i took a long warm shower and it was just so relaxing and all. i wish i had that aroma therapy shampoo because it really IS relaxing. i love the lavender/lemongrass one. i love the scent of lavender! i don't know why... hehehe...

so that's it... ay oo nga i was voted ms congeniality in the class.... (it's for the yearbook...) but then hello? am i really "congenial" (or just plain friendly)? i'm shy.... hahahah

so that's it na konti lang in case di mag work and sinayang ko lang pagod ko. tc always!!!

(fingers crossed as i press send)

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